数独ソルバ by 非決定性マクロ

On Lisp --- 非決定性をみて憧れみたいなものがあったので非決定性マクロを使って数独ソルバを書きなおしてみようという試み。

なので指定したシンボルにリストを束縛してnthで参照したりとかできるようにしよう、とかやったら3日ぐらい潰れてしまった。on lispのchoose-bind(先のurl)を拡張した感覚です。common lisp

(choose-bind-list vars 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
  (if (and (= (apply #'+ vars) 13)
	   (= (apply #'* vars) 60))
 ;=> (1 2 2 3 5)



(defparameter *paths* nil)
(defconstant failsym '@)

(defmacro choose-setf (var choices &body body)
  (let ((g (gensym)))
    `(cb #'(lambda (,g) (setf ,var ,g) ,@body) ,choices)))

(defun cb (fn choices)
  (if choices
	(if (cdr choices)
	    (push #'(lambda () (cb fn (cdr choices)))
	(funcall fn (car choices)))

(defun fail ()
  (if *paths*
      (funcall (pop *paths*))

(defmacro choose-bind-list (var length choices &body body)
  (let ((len (gensym "len")) (stack (gensym "stack")) (i (gensym "i")) (result (gensym "result")) (b (gensym "b")) (ls (gensym "ls")))
    `(eval (funcall (lambda (,len ,b)
		      (let ((,stack)
			(loop for ,i from 0 below ,len do (push `(choose-setf (nth ,(eval ,i) ,',var) ',,choices) ,stack))
			(setf ,result (list 'funcall ,b ',var))
			(loop while ,stack do (setf ,result (append (pop ,stack) (list ,result))))
			(setf ,result (append `(let ((,',var (make-list ,(eval ,len))))) (list ,result)))
		    ,length (lambda (,ls) (let ((,var ,ls)) ,@body))))))

(defmacro choose-bind-vector (var length choices &body body)
  (let ((len (gensym "len")) (stack (gensym "stack")) (i (gensym "i")) (result (gensym "result")) (b (gensym "b")) (ls (gensym "ls")))
    `(eval (funcall (lambda (,len ,b)
		      (let ((,stack)
			(loop for ,i from 0 below ,len do (push `(choose-setf (aref ,',var,(eval ,i)) ',,choices) ,stack))
			(setf ,result (list 'funcall ,b ',var))
			(loop while ,stack do (setf ,result (append (pop ,stack) (list ,result))))
			(setf ,result (append `(let ((,',var (make-array ',(eval ,len))))) (list ,result)))
		    ,length (lambda (,var) ,@body)))))

;; 数独ソルバ

  (defconstant L 3 "width and height of a small cell, 3 for ordinary sudoku")
  (defconstant N (* L L) "numbers from 1 to N appears in sudoku board"))

(defun board-invalid-p (b)
   (loop for i from 0 below N thereis (row-invalid-p b i))
   (loop for j from 0 below N thereis (column-invalid-p b j))
   (loop for p from 0 below L thereis 
		(loop for q from 0 below L thereis (cell-invalid-p b p q)))))

(defun row-invalid-p (b i)
  (dupp (delete 0 (loop for j from 0 below N collect (aref b i j)))))
(defun column-invalid-p (b j)
  (dupp (delete 0 (loop for i from 0 below N collect (aref b i j)))))
(defun cell-invalid-p (b p q)
  (dupp (delete 0 
		  (loop for x from 0 below L append
		       (loop for y from 0 below L collect (aref b (+ x (* L p)) (+ y (* L q))))))))

(defun dupp (list) "returns t if there is duplication in list" 
       (find t (maplist #'(lambda (ls) (let ((r)) (dolist (v (cdr ls)) (when (= v (car ls)) (setq r t))) r)) list)))

(defun empty-board ()
  (make-array (list N N) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0))

(defun iota (p) (loop for i from 1 to p collect i))

(defmacro aif (cond then else)
  `(let ((it ,cond))
      (if it ,then ,else)))

(defun solve (b)
  (setf *paths* nil)
  (let ((emptypoints (loop for i from 0 below N append (loop for j from 0 below N if (zerop (aref b i j)) collect (list i j)))))
    (choose-bind-vector vals (length emptypoints) (iota N)
      (let ((b_ (board-changed* b emptypoints vals)))
	(if (board-invalid-p b_) (fail) b_)))))

(defun copy-array (array)
  (let ((dims (array-dimensions array)))
     (make-array dims :displaced-to array :element-type (array-element-type array))

(defun board-changed* (b points vals)
  (let ((b_ (copy-array b)))
       for point being the elements of points
       for value being the elements of vals
       do (setf (aref b_  (car point) (cadr point)) value))

;; (print (time (solve 
;;   #2A((5 3 4 6 7 8 9 1 2)
;;       (6 7 2 1 9 5 3 4 8)
;;       (1 9 8 3 4 0 0 6 7)
;;       (8 5 9 7 6 1 4 2 3)
;;       (4 2 6 0 5 3 7 9 1)
;;       (7 1 3 9 2 4 8 5 6)
;;       (9 6 1 5 3 7 2 8 4)
;;       (2 8 7 4 0 9 0 3 5)
;;       (3 4 5 2 8 6 1 7 0)))))
;; (terpri)



