


(time (solve sample-board1))
Evaluation took:
  0.562 seconds of real time
  0.560035 seconds of total run time (0.556035 user, 0.004000 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.024 seconds GC time, and 0.537 seconds non-GC time. ]
  99.64% CPU
  1,722,599,745 processor cycles
  96,661,592 bytes consed

(time (solve (empty-board)))
Evaluation took:
  0.076 seconds of real time
  0.076005 seconds of total run time (0.064004 user, 0.012001 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.028 seconds GC time, and 0.049 seconds non-GC time. ]
  100.00% CPU
  232,640,772 processor cycles
  7,985,088 bytes consed

とかだった。空の盤を"解か"せる*2と1桁速いのがなんだか面白い。数独でぐぐって最初に出てきたページの問題を解かせても1桁早かったし。手で解く難易度とはまた別の見え方をしてるんだろうな。"手で解く難易度"については http://winnie.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp/SUDOKU/solver.ja.html がそれっぽそうなことをしている。



  (defconstant L 3 "width and height of a small cell, i.e. the entire board is (L^2)x(L^2). 3 for ordinary sudoku.")
  (defconstant N (* L L) "the maximum number which appears in sudoku board"))

;(defun board-valid-p (b) (not (board-invalid-p b)))
(defun board-invalid-p (b)
   (loop for i from 0 below N thereis (row-invalid-p b i))
   (loop for j from 0 below N thereis (column-invalid-p b j))
   (loop for p from 0 below L thereis 
		(loop for q from 0 below L thereis (cell-invalid-p b p q)))))

(defun row-invalid-p (b i)
  (nodupp (delete 0 (loop for j from 0 below N collect (aref b i j)))))
(defun column-invalid-p (b j)
  (nodupp (delete 0 (loop for i from 0 below N collect (aref b i j)))))
(defun cell-invalid-p (b p q)
  (nodupp (delete 0 
		  (loop for x from 0 below L append
		       (loop for y from 0 below L collect (aref b (+ x (* L p)) (+ y (* L q))))))))

(defun nodupp (list) "returns t if there is no duplication in list" (find t (maplist #'(lambda (ls) (let ((r)) (dolist (v (cdr ls)) (when (= v (car ls)) (setq r t))) r)) list)))

(defun empty-board ()
  (make-array (list N N) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0))

;; (defun random-filled-board ()
;;   (let ((b (make-array (list N N) :element-type 'fixnum)))
;;     (loop for i from 0 below N do
;; 	 (loop for j from 0 below N do (setf (aref b i j) (1+ (random 9)))))
;;     b))

(defun solve (b)
  (solve-from b 0 0))

(defun solve-from (b i j)
  "back track"
  (cond ((board-invalid-p b) nil)
	((null (find 0 (loop for i from 0 below N append (loop for j from 0 below N collect (aref b i j))))) b)
	((= (aref b i j) 0)
	 (loop for v from 1 to N when
	      (let ((b_ (board-changed b i j v)))
		(solve-from b_ (if (= j (1- N)) (1+ i) i) (mod (1+ j) N)))
	    return it))
	(t (solve-from b (if (= j (1- N)) (1+ i) i) (mod (1+ j) N)))))

(defun solve-multi (b)
  "return all solutions to the board"
  (let ((solutions))
    (labels ((solve-from-multi (b i j)
	       (cond ((board-invalid-p b) nil)
		     ((null (find 0 (loop for i from 0 below N append (loop for j from 0 below N collect (aref b i j)))))
		      (push b solutions)
		     ((= (aref b i j) 0)
		      (loop for v from 1 to N do
			   (let ((b_ (board-changed b i j v)))
			     (solve-from-multi b_ (if (= j (1- N)) (1+ i) i) (mod (1+ j) N)))))
		     (t (solve-from-multi b (if (= j (1- N)) (1+ i) i) (mod (1+ j) N))))))
      (solve-from-multi b 0 0)

(defun copy-array (array)
  (let ((dims (array-dimensions array)))
     (make-array dims :displaced-to array :element-type (array-element-type array))
(defun board-changed (b i j v)
  "returns b with only the value at (i,j) is changed"
  (let ((b_ (copy-array b)))
    (setf (aref b_  i j) v)

(setq sample-board1			;http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB:Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714.svg
      #2A((5 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0)
	  (6 0 0 1 9 5 0 0 0)
	  (0 9 8 0 0 0 0 6 0)
	  (8 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3)
	  (4 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 1)
	  (7 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6)
	  (0 6 0 0 0 0 2 8 0)
	  (0 0 0 4 1 9 0 0 5)
	  (0 0 0 0 8 0 0 7 9)))
(setq sample-board2 ;いくつか数字を抜いて解を1意でなくしたもの
      #2A((5 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 0)
	  (6 0 0 1 9 5 0 0 0)
	  (0 9 8 0 0 0 0 6 0)
	  (8 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3)
	  (4 0 0 8 0 3 0 0 1)
	  (7 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0)
	  (0 6 0 0 0 0 2 8 0)
	  (0 0 0 4 1 9 0 0 5)
	  (0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0)))
; (solve sample-board1)
; (length (solve-multi sample-board2))  ;解の個数

*1:デスクトップのcore i5 2400のcpu中2コアを割り振ってる
