

(run 命令 -1)で動く。


現状態 現記号 次に書く記号 移動方向 次状態
1 0 1 r 2
1 1 0 l 2
2 0 0 l 1
2 1 0 r 0


 '((1 r 2)
   (1 l 2)
   (1 l 1)
   (1 r 0))


(run 命令 50)とかすると50回を上限に遷移を繰り返し、停止しなければ返り値は#f。


steps:       70 | position:        4 | num of 1:        8 | state:  1 



(use srfi-1)
(define (make-instructions lst)
  (map (lambda (lst) 
	 (list (if (equal? (car  lst) 0) #f #t)
	       (if (or (equal? (cadr lst) 0) (equal? (cadr lst) 'l)) #f #t)
	       (caddr lst))) lst))

(define (list-has? lst element)
  (lset<= equal? (list element) lst))

(define (nth lst n) (car (drop lst (- n 1))))


(define-class <turing-machine> ()
  ((instructions :init-value ()
		 :init-keyword :instructions
			       :accessor instructions)))

(define-class <turing-machine-running> (<turing-machine>)
  ((tape :init-value ()
	 :accessor tape)
   (state :init-value 1
	  :accessor state)
   (position :init-value 0
	     :accessor position)))

(define-method run ((instructions <pair>) (iteration <integer>))
  (let ((tm (make <turing-machine-running> :instructions (make-instructions instructions))))
    (do ((halted? #f) (result #f) (x 0 (inc! x))) ((or (= x iteration) halted?) result)
      (tm-transition! tm)

      (format #t "steps: ~8@a | position: ~8@a | num of 1: ~8@a | state: ~2@a " (+ x 1) (position tm) (length (tape tm)) ((lambda (x) (if (zero? x) " 0 (halted)" x)) (state tm)))
      (format #t "~%")

      (let ((from (apply min (cons (position tm) (tape tm)))) (to (apply max (cons (position tm) (tape tm)))))
	(do ((x from (inc! x))) ((> x to))
	  (format #t "~a" (if (zero? x) 0 " ")))
	(format #t "~%")
	(do ((x from (inc! x))) ((> x to))
	  (format #t "~a" (if (list-has? (tape tm) x) 1 0)))
	(format #t "~%")
	(do ((x from (inc! x))) ((> x to))
	  (format #t "~a" (if (= (position tm) x) "^" " ")))
	(format #t "~%")

      (when (equal? 0 (state tm))
	    (set! halted? #t)
	    (set! result (length+ (tape tm)))))))

(define-method tm-transition! ((tm <turing-machine-running>))
  (set!-values ((tape tm) (position tm) (state tm))
	       (if (list-has? (tape tm) (position tm)) ; ex) that there's 3 in 'tape means the figure at position 3 is 1
		   (tm-do-instruction (nth (instructions tm) (- (* 2 (state tm)) 0)) (position tm) (tape tm))
		   (tm-do-instruction (nth (instructions tm) (- (* 2 (state tm)) 1)) (position tm) (tape tm)))))

(define-method tm-do-instruction (instruction position tape)
   (if (nth instruction 1)
       (delete-duplicates (cons position tape))
       (remove! (lambda (x) (equal? x position)) tape))
   (if (nth instruction 2)
       (- position 1)
       (+ position 1))
   (nth instruction 3)))		;(values tape-new position-new state-new)

(print "n=2")
 '((1 r 2)
   (1 l 2)
   (1 l 1)
   (1 r 0))

(print "n=3")
 '((1 r 2)
   (1 r 0)
   (0 r 3)
   (1 r 2)
   (1 l 3)
   (1 l 1))

(print "n=4")
 '((1 r 2)
   (1 l 2)
   (1 l 1)
   (0 l 3)
   (1 r 0)
   (1 l 4)
   (1 r 4)
   (0 r 1))

;; (run
;;  '((1 r 2)
;;    (1 l 3)
;;    (1 r 3)
;;    (1 r 2)
;;    (1 r 4)
;;    (0 l 5)
;;    (1 l 1)
;;    (1 l 4)
;;    (1 r 0)
;;    (0 l 1))
;;  -1)